Willies Touch

Block Number: 39


by Terry Wilson

North Carolina Outreach Home Care at 327 Logan Street in Marion was the site of the most recent addition to the McDowell Quilt Trail. The latest addition, “Willie’s Touch,” was unveiled on Wednesday, June 30 before a group of business employees, quilt trail members, and family members of Mrs. Willie Gillespie, whose quilting skill is honored by this particular quilt.

According to Scott Price, President of North Carolina Outreach Home Care, the newest quilt block hangs in honor of the business’s first client, Mrs. Gillespie, of Old Fort. For many years, Mrs. Gillespie and her friends in the Cherry Springs community produced homemade patchwork quilts. Over several generations of friends and familymembers,these quilts found their way into homes throughout the Cherry Springs and Mt. Hebron communities of Old Fort.

The quilt block, “Willie’s Touch,” actually refers to a quilt made by Mrs. Gillespie in the 1980s, and is currently in the possession of her grandson Marc Tipton of Old Fort. The quilt block features a light blue background with nine blocks each with vibrant red or yellow flowers. Mr. Price stated this particular pattern was chosen for display because of the attractive design and the eye-catching colors.

The McDowell Quilt Trail seeks to honor the heritage of our area by placing quilt blocks on structures throughout the communities of McDowell County. “Willie’s Touch” is the 39th quilt block to be created and displayed among those of the McDowell County Quilt Trail. Each block tells a unique story, a story that helps make McDowell County a special place.

image of quilt block called Willies Touch image of quilt block called Willies Touch image of quilt block called Willies Touch image of quilt block called Willies Touch image of quilt block called Willies Touch image of quilt block called Willies Touch image of quilt block called Willies Touch